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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm PDT

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bidding competitively. we try to do our best estimate. hopefully we'll get good bids and that will save some money. >> while these amounts have changed substantially, it is not in the initial bidding process where we would have awarded the continued increase, that there is still a bidding process so we're comfortable these estimates are still the best we could. >> we have confirm the estimates through our consultants. we asked them to review these estimates and quantities and confirm the estimates. >> thank you. >> i would say, kudos to kim for getting american steel. we can do things competitively. again, thank you. >> are we ready to vote?
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all in favor of all three resolutions at once? resolutions have passed. >> item 12, new business. >> public comment on new business? item 13, public comment? >> we do have one public comment. >> good afternoon.
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fellow citizens and commissioners. i am representing all the small boat operators that are on the jefferson street, part of pier 49. the subject is just one. and it has to do with the ongoing affluent -- effluent that has been coating everything on the jefferson street boca, our boats, our lines, our tourists as they come up and down the ladders, rashes that people have developed on their hands because of this pollution in the water, and the irony of it all is that fisherman's wharf is or was, should still be the third most visited tourist attraction in the world. after disney world, at the time it was 33 million. as disneyland, summer in the
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neighborhood of 20 million and san francisco which had 18 million visitors a year of the statistic. 50 million of those people said, i am here to go to fisherman's wharf. the fisherman part is the part i would like to address. it is the heart and soul of the reason that part of the city has become something. and why it is still famous. and to have all these beautiful but and and and take like mine, some beautifully maintained, charter boats wallowing in this filth and discussed year after year after year, and frankly, what broke the pick an anatomical part of us down there was watching the figure --
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finger pier be rebuilt by someone who had no idea how to build a pier for fishing boats but that is another story. to have to come there every day and wonder, which one of our docklands we're not going to be able to use because they're covered with human excretion, oil from the restaurants, the entire source system underneath those restaurants is a health hazard. and just for information, one of the captain's has taken it upon himself to have it analyzed at a chain of custody a laboratory. i have not seen the whole report, but when he quoted to me was that the header said this is
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a very serious matter and should be reported to the proper authorities immediately. so, if i could end with a question, when is something going to be done about it? is there any plans afoot to replace the sewers underneath the restaurant so we do not have to have our boats wallow in felt any more? this is a serious health hazard. >> your time is up but this is not an item that is on the calendar. by a parliamentary rules, the commission cannot respond to you. they're not ignoring you. their support staff who would be happy to answer those questions after the meeting has adjourned and we could decide whether that is something we should calendar. i will talk to you about this afterward. your time is up. >> is there any further public comment?
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hearing none, could i have a motion for adjournment? >> earlier today, we were discussing with great joy one of the greatest series of races that will take place on our world renowned bay. 10 days ago during another well- established race, recreation can turn very quickly to tragedy. unimaginable tragedy. and we need to be mindful of how loved ones can be taken from us in an anticipated moments and mother nature can turn out to be quite a formidable foe. i would like to move that we adjourn this meeting in memory of alexis bush, jordon, and elmer morrisey.
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>> i would like to second that. >> all in favor? meeting is adjourned. thank you. >> everyone deserves a bank account. in san francisco, anyone can have a bank account. everyone is welcome, even if you
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are not a u.s. citizen or have bad credit. qualifying for a bank account is simple, just lived or worked in san francisco and had a form of id >> we started bank on san francisco at six years ago. we wanted to make sure they know they have options, which would be more successful for them. ♪ >> check cashing stores can be found all over the city. they're convenient locations, with a hidden price. -- the convenient locations, with a hidden price. >> i got a refund check and they took out $200.
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>> i understand they have to make money, but they are a little high. >> people who used check passers -- cashers, they could pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees. >> i do not have that kind of money. >> i would not have to pay it if i had a bank account. >> bank accounts are essential. >> most banks require information that may limited the pool of qualified applicants. encouraging them to return to on saved check passers. -- unsafe check cashers. they are more vulnerable to a
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robbery, loss, or theft. qualifying for a bank account is no longer a problem. >> great, thank you. >> even if you've had problems with an account in the past, or never had an account, or in not a u.s. citizen, bank on sf makes it easier for you to have an account. >> it gives them no option but to go to a check casher. >> to find the account that is best for you, just follow these three easy steps. find a participating bank or credit union. call 211 and ask about the bank
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on sf account. asked about opening an account. a financial partner will guide you through this process and connect you with the account that is best for you. during some form of identification. -- bring it some form of identification. now you opened your account. simple, right? that is exactly how that was meant to be. you can even access your account online and sets up direct deposit. it is a real bank account. >> we see a lot of people who could not open checking accounts. people there do not have two id's. it is exciting to help these people. >> it has been a great
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partnership. we are able to offer checking, savings, money markets, certificates to people who might not be able to get account anywhere else. even if you that a previous bank account at another financial institution, we could still open an account for you said you do not have to go to a check cashing place. >> to help manage your new account, you can enroll in free educational services. just visit the website. >> there are many benefits. it is the one stop shop for all of your financial questions. >> with services like financial education classes and meetings with advisers, the smart money network makes it easy for you to learn all you need to know about managing savings, investing, and protecting your money. the network offers access to hundreds of free educational
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programs. just to fill out the quick questionnaire. >> we want to make sure everybody has a chance to manage their money successfully, keep their money safe and avoid getting ripped off. >> it sounds very good. i think people should try that one. >> to find out more, visit the web site. or call 2-1-1. no more hassling with these expensive check cashing stores. now you have a bank account. [train whistle blowing] global warming. [whistle blows] some say irreversible consequences are 30 years away.
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30 years? that won't affect me. [brakes screech] >> good morning, everybody. i am the manager -- we will kick it off first with a message from our cities librarian. the director of the san francisco library system. [applause] >> thank you. this is fantastic. good morning to everybody. i am a little jealous.
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i said, this is not my house. it is your house. welcome to all of you. this is indeed your house. i am a little jealous because i did those of green t-shirts. -- dig those green t-shirt. we are proud to be part of youth advocacy day. that is where it begins. congratulations to each and every one of you for being here. i cannot say enough about our great librarians. we need your feedback. today is going to be one of those great opportunities to tell us all about what you need and what makes this city a great. have a fantastic day.
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it is my pleasure to be hosting you. [applause] thank you. >> good morning, everyone. i am so happy to welcome you guys to the third annual youth advocacy day in san francisco. [applause] i know that we have lots of young people in the audience today. i will ask people to raise your hands and make some noise. right on. how about lincoln? is mission in the house? yes!
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as i was walking over, i realized we missed the school. [applause] right on. i am so happy that you guys made it through the rain. you got here on time. so ready to inform all the public officials about what you think needs to happen in the city. a little bit about our department. dcyf funds a whole bunch of programs in the city. we believe that young people's voice is the most important to guide our program development and to lead or this city. as you go through your programs today and learn all about the inner workings of the city and when your meeting with those public officials, make sure you
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explain to them that not only do you care about education, about transportation, about safety, and about jobs, but that you also have really great ideas to share with them. when you finish today, i expect you to come back with some great reports about all the things we will change to make your lives and the lives of your siblings and friends and families better. another thing i want to make sure you know, if you like what you were doing today, please connect with some of the young advisers and dcyf staff because we have a number of opportunities for young people to share your voice. we have yet advocacy council -- youth advocacy counsel.
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are there youth warriors in the room? right on. yay! ok, i want to introduce today the most important person in the room today. are very -- our very youth from late mayor of san francisco -- youth-friendly mayor of san francisco. [applause] >> good morning. is that how you say good morning? good morning!
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welcome to your house. it is my pleasure to meet you this morning and to talk with you about what we are doing. some of you i met last year for the first time. i had a chance to explain what i was trying to do as the interim mayor. remember that? right now, you are looking at somebody who has gone through his first public election for the very first time. i think i told to the last time i ran for public office was i was your age. i ran for senior class president. in high school. i never ran for public office before. just last year, i ran for being your mayor in san francisco. i remember that your progress, you voted me as your mayor. thank you for helping out. [applause] i want to thank dcyf and our
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school district. libraries have been the center for a lot of their communities. this library was built precisely for your kind of involvement. thank you for coming from all the different high schools. most of this morning will be for you -- for me to answer your questions about what we are doing. i want to let you know what has been happening in my first term as your mayor. what has been going on in the mayor's office. have by become a professional politician? or am i still be ed lee you thought i would be?
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i know those schools a little better, but i know balboa, washington, and mission pretty well, too. i did something a little different when i was working in government. when i was working at public works, i ended up having to clean all the city. the way we did it when it came to the schools was we talked to your principles and tried to get you involved. during those years, we got the saturday clean it teams, where a lot of your cohorts are getting credit for working with us. they are planting trees, like getting the environment going. i hate going to other schools. when the school is well kept, clean, when the neighbors feel that the students are in and out
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of the school and respecting everybody's right to have a nice place to go to, you feel a lot better. we did that with you as students, with your principals, and many of your teachers. you got credit for it as well. we even painted some of the benches red for those eagles. a lot of the other school sports areas. we are working hard to make sure you have jobs when you come out of school. that is what i have been working on. [applause] thank you. one of the things when i was running for mayor last year, i had to go to all these different meetings in the community. a lot of your parents were
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engaged in telling me what they thought they needed to happen. the number one thing i heard all the time was help us get more jobs in the city. people feel that if they do not good jobs, they do not have the income to afford all the expenses. when you go in to good restaurants or the movie, it cost a lot of money. it cost a lot of money to even get a car. which i would advise you not to get too early in your life because there is no parking. i would want to encourage you to get a bicycle instead. we are investing in our committee system so that you get around any place you what -- are muni system so that you can get around any place you want to go. my daughters never asked me for
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a ride. outside of that, they would see their friends all the time. we do not need you to give us a ride. at that time, it was $10 a month for a pass. now, it is $21. it is getting harder and harder. the movie might be asking, this is so expensive, academy -- some of you might be asking, this is so expensive, can we do anything about it? we are working on it. some people are stating, making it for free. we will try to get there. we will have a pilot program that will bring the cost down so that you do not have to be spending the money on that. you could be spending your money on books, games, movies, things that you enjoy. or stuff that you want to do. maybe in ipad and be able to do anything.
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we are trying to do that, but it begins with making sure we have a good economy in the city. that economy begins with looking at where all of our economic streams are as the city. when we create more jobs, you, your parents, friends, can stay in the city longer and not feel the pressure that you cannot afford to live in the city. that has been a very big request coming to me as the mayor, make the city more affordable to allow more families. making sure it is safe. i think we have a pretty safe city. we have a good police chief working with community, not working by themselves. we're trying to do this concept called community policing.
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when you get on certain lines, you're looking around saying if you are safe. we have been teaching all of you and hopefully you got the message, if you have an iphone or in ipad, please be alert when you are on the muni. do not become a victim. if something happens, do not be a hero. we have cameras mounted, things that we can do to catch the bad folks. we do want to make sure that muni is safe. not only affordable, but safe. so your experience will be ones where you will always say, san francisco is my city. i grew up here. i want to be here. i want to have a family or establish myself. san francisco is a pretty exciting place to be. if you go to any other city, if you go to los angeles, new york,
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chicago, washington, d.c., if you tell them they it -- if they tell -- if you tell them you are from san francisco, people turn their heads. -- it is a cool place. we are the headquarters for twitter, zynga, salesforce, cloud. it is all headquartered right here in our city. what i am trying to do is make sure those technology companies, when they start here, they were looking for people that would do the fantastic engineering. they could put it all on the social platform. that is why they have grown to billion dollar companies. they are located right here and all their talent has been right here.
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what if you had a chance to work for those companies? those are just three. there are 300. there are 1500 technology companies in san francisco. so of the names of which you have not heard about. they are producing all the different applications that you might be using. whether it is music, finding out where you are apt, yelp, they are all located here. in order to get these jobs, you have to have the same talent they are recruiting. that is what i want you to make sure you pay attention to your education. if you have a good grounding in your basic stuff, if you get to college, these jobs are waiting for you. people love coming here and living here anwo